Til Schweiger Awards


1993: Max-Ophüls-Preis : Ebbies Bluff (Young Actor Award)

1994: Bambi Award: Der bewegte Mann

1995: Bambi Award: Männerpension

1996: DIVA Award

1997: Warsaw International Film Festival: Bandyta (Best Actor)

1997: Moscow International Film Festival: Knockin  ‘on Heaven's Door (Best Actor)

1998: Bravo Otto:  Best Actor

1998: Jupiter Award: Knockin 'on Heaven's Door (Best German Actor)

1998: Goldene Kamera : Knockin 'on Heaven's Door (Best Actor)

2003: Hessischer Kulturpreis

2005: Bambi Award: Barfuss (Best Film)

2008: Jupiter Award: Wo ist Fred?  (Best German Actor)

2008: Ehren-Bravo Otto

2008: Ernst-Lubitsch-Preis : Keinohrhasen (Best Comedy)

2008: Bambi  Award: Keinohrhasen ( National Film)

2008: German Comedy Award : Keinohrhasen  (Best Comedy)


2009: Jupiter Award: Keinohrhasen (Best Film)

2009: 2x DIVA Award :Keinohrhasen (Best Film)

2010: Berliner Bär (B.Z.-Kulturpreis)

2010: German Comedy Award : Zweiohrküken (Best Comedy)

2011: Dresdner St. Georgs Orden

2011: Star on the Boulevard of Stars in Berlin [13]

2011: German Comedy Award: Kokowääh (Most successful German comedy film)

2011: Querdenker Award

2012: Jupiter Award:  Kokowääh (Best Actor)